Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I have been away this week in Brussels: working in between mainlining trappist beer and dark chocolate, so I am only now getting a chance to post that 9 Bean Row is a finalist in the best newcomer category in the Irish Blog Awards.

In my excitement at finding out I managed to burn an egg I was boiling and forget about the butter I was 'softening' on the radiator as I swanned around instead engaged in Gwyneth style simpering. Still, greasy floors and pungent smoke are a small price to pay for being a real live finalist! I am so delighted and must thank both the sponsors and the judges for trawling through the volume of blogs on the shortlists. Well done too to my fellow finalists, it is lovely to be in such great company:

The Style Bitches

Good After Morning

Chronicles of a Year Long Break up

Pretty Far West

The rest of the finalists in other categories are listed here where you can also buy tickets to the finals in Galway.

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